Eagle Ridge
Located on the south end of Cedar City these custom home lots feature amazing views of Shurtz Canyon, Square Mountain, Cedar Mountain, and much more. Some exquisite geological formations make Eagle Ridge one of a kind.
Festival City USA is home to 17 major events including the Utah Summer Games and the Utah Shakespearean Festival. It is also home to Southern Utah University, corporate headquarters to the Leavitt Insurance Group and major national manufacturing firms.
Cedar City was founded in 1851 and since that time its citizens have proven that nothing is impossible for a community that encourages everyone to pitch in and play a part.
Cedar City is a surprisingly cool mountain town that just happens to have world-class cultural attractions in astonishing proximity to southwest Utah’s famous Mighty Five© National Parks. Cedar City is also known as “Festival City, USA,” with a plethora of events taking place year-round such as free music festivals, downtown parades, and touring bike races.
Though free from crushing traffic and frantic city pacing, Cedar City doesn’t skip on amenities. Historic Downtown is quaint with local shops and an impressive menu of “urban-esque” cuisine and Southern Utah’s only winery. Southern Utah University keeps things interesting with Division I athletics, guest lectures, and concerts, AND they just happen to be the “Most Outdoorsy University” in the nation. Paved trails weave the perimeter of town connecting you to the great outdoors and miles of recreational paths for mountain biking, hiking, and OHV riding.